The Craziest Football game I’ve Ever Seen!

I’m sure by the title of the post you already know what I’m talking about. That’s right super bowl fifty one. This game was played on 2/5/2017 and it surprised the country. Even If you are not interested in football the game would have entertained and gotten you excited. In the first half the Falcons played a great game. They were up twenty one to three and everyone thought they had the game. At halftime they had a point four chance of winning.


 I’m sure if you didn’t see it you definitely heard about it because the patriots came back and won the game. The final score was thirty four to twenty eight. The game went into overtime. Around the country it seemed like more people wanted the falcons to win because they were like the underdog. Me personally I wanted the patriots to win. I don’t think anyone saw this comeback but it was the greatest in all history.

 I can’t even imagine how happy tom brady was after the game because that was his fifth super bowl win and it was probably one of his most emotional games. I know patriots fans probably lost it when they won because the whole game they were not happy.



I know no body wanted to go to work or school the next day because they either were up really late partying because their team just made a huge comeback or they were upset their team lost and were not in a good mood. I know a lot of people have been saying that the day after the super bowl should be a holiday. I think we should. Maybe not big companies but small establishments. It kinda kills the night when you realize you have to wake up before the crack of dawn. Plus if people are tired and really out of it they probably won’t be as productive. I don’t think it’s too far fetched for this to happen.


I definitely feel bad for the Atlanta Falcons because as a state they have won only one championship across all sports. That one sport they won a championship in was baseball. Compared to Boston who’s won thirty seven.

If you wanna read more on the game click here.

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